I love cupcakes!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More chocolate cupcakes!

Lately I've been trying out making my own decorations for cupcakes, so apart from the pink sprinkles, everything has been handmade. I made the little flower decorations, and the choc heart shapes...also you can't really see the shape that well, I made little "truffle" stars covered in coconut. I think next time the coconut needs to be shredded very fine so that can actually see the star shape.

Kath's Cupcakes

Here are some cupcakes I did for my friend Kath's birthday earlier this month, which turned out looking really cute!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Death by Chocolate cupcakes

And so it begins! After some successful batches of mini cupcakes, tested on friends, family and workmates...I decided to take it to the next level and have been collecting various decorating bits & pieces.

Last week I went to a fabulous cupcake decorating course which was run by Sarah from "Babycakes" who make some of the cutest (and yummiest) little cupcakes in Perth. She kindly shared her "Death by Chocolate" recipe with us, which I cooked up last night.

I forgot to add the vinegar, however they turned out really nice anyway. I played around with the decorations and also did a "pineapple lump" cupcake which was my favourite of them all...but that could just be the kiwi in me....I was really pleased with them, as were a few lucky people at work who got to taste them.